2 Core Content Strategies That Give You an Edge in Your Dental Marketing soon-to-be six year old grandson lives every moment full of anticipation. And we love the satisfaction of being able to respond to his hopes for fun.

You’re in a unique position to be responsive in your dental marketing. And the satisfaction of your patients or clients depends on you being prepared with a core content strategy.

All our grandson had to hear was the word, “Zoo!” The mention of that word signaled what my wife and I already knew would make him happy.

It’s a grandparent thing. We know him. And we know what fills him with hours of joy.

Start with what you know.

When you know someone you’re in a position of leverage. In recent posts I shared the true value of your website platform (PC) and what leverage means to your authority (AC).

Knowledge also equips you to respond.

People expect a response these days. You send someone a text and if you get the “bubble” (indicating they’re reading it) on your screen with no reply you think – “Hey what’s the deal?”

Or you send an email or leave a voice mail. Hours…days go by and no reply. Wow!

Customer service rises and falls on quick, adequate, satisfying response.

Responsiveness rules.

Think of your patient’s or client’s digital (online) presence as a sort of third “ear.” It’s where you apply your responsive listening skills through the use of what let’s call “Responsive Content (RC).”

You’re essentially in the problem-solution “business.” People search for you and your services because they’re in pain (problem), lack knowledge about maintaining their health (problem), or perhaps lack the resources to solve either circumstance (problem).

Communicate where people are listening.

What’s the quickest way to respond these days? And where do your patients/clients access that information?

It seems appropriate to respond digitally rather than using snail-mail or direct mail. If you want to connect in real-time you can’t beat the digital response.

Two digital content strategies you must be prepared to use if you want to master a responsive reputation.

Work your email list.

The most abused and at the same time under-used responsive content (RC) tool you have is e-mail.

Why abused?

Because you could fail to understand the intrinsic value of permission. And if you have permission don’t discount what it means to treasure it as a trusted relationship.

Certainly, you know what it means to be spammed. If not, scan your email inbox and evaluate those who emailed you.

What’s their relationship to you?

Someone you requested info from?

Someone whose content you find useful?

And while we’re on the subject of “usefulness,” here’s how to get the most from your email promotions.

  • Be untypical. Inform your readers via a relevant story, idea, or theme.
  • Connect the story, idea, or theme to the action you’re asking them to take when reading your email content.
  • Ditch the formality. Treat your email like a one-on-one conversation. Write the message in a way that sounds like a casual conversation with one person (your reader).
  • Avoid salesy words and common cliches’. The quickest way to get your emails spam-filtered is to sound like your “selling” something. Think about your language.
  • Invest in your subject line. The key to emails being delivered (not filtered), opened, and…drumroll…read…is your subject line.
  • Share a benefit in your subject line that compels them to open it.

And #2

Connect with social media.

The key is connecting. I hesitated to use the word, “engage,” because it’s often overused and has lost its impact.

That’s sad since social media is really about engaging (there, I said it!) your patients/clients in an online conversation with you via your content.

There must be more to your social strategy than contests, promotions, and images of office parties (important, don’t get me wrong) or dental procedures. Keep your social media channels “human,” but don’t miss the advantage of having a (hopefully) growing “fan base” because of your content value.

  • Link to your own relevant, useful content. This is the importance of having a consistently updated blog or article page on your website platform.
  • Curate and share other valuable, helpful content that’s relevant to your dental practice, dental expertise, and dental products or services.
  • Balance content with the occasional (and I emphasize, occasional) promotion. Social followers are numbed when every other post is about your latest “Like”-our-page-share-our-page contest for a free give-away.
  • Avoid violating privacy issues. But don’t allow your fear to keep you from legitimately and effectively connecting with your patient/client base on social media.
  • Review and respond in as much real-time as possible to comments or direct connections on your social channels. If necessary, designate, or better, hire someone to manage your social media content and communications.

Responsiveness gives you an edge in today’s digital marketing. And timing is on your side when your mindset is aligned with two of the most effective strategies.

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