
content strategy

What Simple Intuition Can Do for Your Dental Content Marketing Strategy

He’s smarter than I give him credit for. And there’s another more valuable trait that he’s developing at a young age.

I’ll let you in on our grandson’s growing personality in a moment. On a related note, there’s a trait within his intellectual development that applies to how your create your dental content.

Our grandson is six (”and a half…” as he’s quick to remind). The time I spend with him is priceless.

Being a freelancer and solopreneur has it’s perks. Especially when I can take a day off and spend time with the “B-man” as I call him.

I had that opportunity on a recent school holiday. Following breakfast, I reflexively viewed my incoming email on my iPhone as he was playing on the floor in our family room.

That’s when he schooled me…

“I thought you were taking the day off, G-pa!?”


He made a connection that face-in-phone means work. He’s six and already more intuitive than I realize.


Your power of observation or your ability to use your intuition can improve your dental content creation. It’s natural to make assumptions about your target audience.

After all, you’re a dental professional. You provide a certain set of services and the assumption is that people know it.

How people access your particular brand of services is the issue. Most approach who you are and what you do with questions.

Those questions – as we’ve discussed before – are your gold mine for creating compelling, useful content to promote your services.

Assume less – Intuit more

Your patients or clients are consistently in search of solutions to their “pain” or problems. And like most, they type a word or phrase in the form of a question into their chosen online search engine.

They, like you, do this more often on-the-fly via their smartphone or tablet. Pain, a problem, an unforeseen setback invades their space and they go searching for a solution.

Content Intuition and What It Can Do for Your Dental Content Marketing that Assumptions Cannot

Intuition creates real-time opportunity

Thoughts are fluid. You are always experiencing a constant stream of them.

So are your patients and clients.

It’s essential that your intuitive content finds its way to their thought consciousness. Your success rate will increase as you appear on their conscious “radar” consistently.

Monthly content…that’s a stretch. Sure, if it’s dense as in a content rich newsletter, industry case study, or informative ebook.

Start with a bi-weekly published content. But consider the opportunity-value of appearing in their space with useful content on a weekly basis – this is optimum.

Why? Your patients/clients are busy.

And volume of content they consume for information, entertainment, support, etc is off the charts.

Be there consistently. Be there usefully.

And you’ll occupy a small space in their content stream.

Intuition compels an informed response

The information your patients or clients search for depends on their current need, mood, pain, etc. Getting a response relies on your ability to intuit their condition.



  • Set up listening “stations.” Encourage your business team, consultants, assistants, hygienists to develop an open-ear approach. Train them how to pick up on the signals your patients/clients are sending. Develop ways to log/archive that data.
  • Create content around the questions, pains, problems, and solutions being sought by your patients/clients.

Remember that useful information compels…and “sells.”

Intuition conforms to the solutions you provide

Other “listening stations” are your online reviews, ratings, and strategic surveys. This is useful as you use your intuition to access what’s being said on and between the lines.

  • Get intentional by using surveys. Brief, targeted surveys can help you tap-into the needs, wants, and desires of your patients/clients. Avoid lengthy, complicated, or irrelevant questions. Ask what you really want to know.
  • Use reviews and survey data to create a content editorial list. Craft content around answering the questions and problems with solution-oriented content.
  • Provide variety. Informative content can be shared via a blog, podcast, video, short courses, webinars, etc.

Give your “audience” numerous channels to connect with you. They’ll appreciate the convenience and your intuition.

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