3 dental website strategies

3 Strategies to Stop a Common Mistake You Could Be Making on Your Dental Website

3 dental website strategiesOur grandson is sharp. As a six year old he’s also incredibly random.

He blends his thoughts with the skill of a chef. And it’s most entertaining when his conversations shift-without-a-clutch as he jumps from one topic to another.

Yes, we laugh a lot when he’s around. Good times.

Randomness has me wondering. I don’t often rant in my posts…but today…well…here goes.

These days it appears that many dental professionals (and I suspect other industry pros as well) still don’t get-it when it comes to their dental web page content.

Cliche’ ALERT!

If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it a thousand times from clients – “We want more substance on our internal web pages….Why bullet points…Where’s the (self-indulgent) information about our state-of-the-art thingamajig…??” Geez!

I’ll stop there. But I won’t stop my bold appeal – there’s a place for information and so-called substance and it’s not necessarily on your standard, internal web pages (Hang tight, I’ll clue you in shortly.)

Do your dental website readers really care?

That’s a good question. And you should give significant strategic thought to it.

As a copywriter and content strategist I certainly do. In fact, that question is where I live when writing.

Put yourself in the shoes of a potential new patient or a client (if you’re a dental business other than a dental practice). They find your website or content as result of a search.

Typically that search is driven by the use of a specific keyword or key phrase. But actually reading your content when they arrive is a completely different issue.

Is there more to online search success than SEO?

It’s not necessarily because you stuffed your internal web pages like the gluttonous rampage of a person on their third trip to the all-you-can-eat buffet line. Today’s search success (leading some to prophesy that “SEO is dead”) has more to do with usefulness and authority than it does keyword strategy.

Say again…?

That last sentence will perhaps get me in trouble with some. But I’m worn-out with crap content that attempts to game the search engines and funnel people into something more than it informs, educates, and provides solid solutions.

Maybe it’s because I’m not an SEO rock star (I’m really somewhat okay with that). But the more I learn and expand my bandwidth, the less inclined I am to be a “gamer” with my new-found knowledge and skill.

Mostly, I want to help people because I believe in the power of words to persuade, coach, help, assist, create breakthroughs, lead, feed, encourage, serve, promote, compel, on and on I could go. I love words.

And you should love the power of words too.

But not random, misplaced, or otherwise overused words. Who reads them?

And frankly…who cares?

1-Deliver value and your value will increase.

Design your internal web page content (Home page, About page, Services/Product pages, etc.) as crisp, to the point, and benefit oriented as possible. Trash the industry-speak, “feature-focus,” “est-syndrome (greatest, latest – you get the picture), and “state-of-the-art-cutting-edge” drivel.

2-Lose the idea that high word count (on internal pages – see above) is the ticket to search success.

Maybe it helps (and I said, “maybe”). But maybe you’re better served by serving your readers with more words on those pages that are capable of delivering the value you want to deliver. Internal web pages (again, see above) are for one purpose – to establish a credible call-to-action. For the dental practice that’s a scheduled appointment. For the dental industry business that’s a client lead, inquiry, or purchase order. Period. Why numb your readers/visitors with the sound of your own voice because you think you must?

3-Build your authority and increase your “word-count” where it has greater valued readability.

Blog, write informative articles, create high-value digital newsletters, podcast, use images, info-graphics, video, and social media channels. Words carry more weight there than they do tucked away on internal pages where people are numbed and disinclined to visit…much less read.

Web visitors and content readers these days are onto you. They know the gig, especially when clicking on a dental practice website.

One pretty, smiling stock photo image says it all. And the response is all too familiar – “We’ve been here before…Tell us something about your dental practice (or even better – your expertise) we haven’t already read a thousand times…”

Want to build credibility and authority?

  • Be different than the dental practice or dental business down-the-street in your website content.
  • Focus your site visitor’s and reader’s attention on information they can use and that’s packed with solutions.

That’s not random. These days it’s the most strategic thing you can do in your dental marketing via your website.

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