Dental internet marketing
How to give your products & services “blockbuster” status
The summer movie season is almost here. Has me thinking about what most blockbuster movies have in common.
And it’s the same reason excellent marketing and outstanding copywriting draws you in.
I’m talking about the plot or story-line that keeps you riveted as the story unfolds. A well-crafted story-line drifts (ever so slightly) back and forth. Just when you’re feeling carried to another seemingly disconnected place…the plot reappears…drawing you back into the story once again.
Marketing copy compares to the story you’re telling about your business, product, or service. How well you keep your target audience engaged, buying, and doing business with you tells whether they’re riveted as your story unfolds.
Keep ‘em compelled and first-time, front-end clients or customers will become repeat, back-end ones time and again.
This is traceable to a significant element of your marketing-story. Like the plot or story-line of great cinema this is a key within your marketing copy.
It’s your USP…
I’m talking about the Unique Selling Proposition of your business, service, or product.
(Back to the movie analogy) Ever sat through *flick* and thought – this plot seems a lot like… (the movie you saw last year). What’s missing or vague is the UNIQUE story-line that would earn it top box-office.
What I enjoy and am challenged by as a copywriter is exploring deep beneath the surface of my client’s services and discovering their USP. What is it about *Product/Service A* that reeeeeally makes it unique…unlike all the rest in the same or similar industry?
Distinguishing yourself from the crowd sends bigger waves of opportunity flowing your way. Otherwise, you’re merely creating ads, promotions, website content, etc. and all the blah-blah-blah that goes with it. And remember people don’t invest time or money for “blah.”
Here’s how to develop your U-nique story-line – do this and exploit it within your marketing copy.
1>Spotlight your *Feature Presentation*
Sit down to write about your business, product, or service and you’ll naturally and reflexively begin with features. Feature focus is easy because we’re accustomed to spotlighting them.
After all, you see yourself as the newest…biggest…brightest…sexiest…boldest…fastest…and any other *est* that applies. The problem with stopping there (please don’t) and spinning out your promotional copy based mostly on features is that there are others convinced their *est* is better than your *est*.
If you really want to command attention…
2>Promote your edge-of-the-seat *Benefits*
Here’s where the plot thickens. Telling your market about your features – mostly – stops short of the real juicy details that’ll compel them to do business with you, use your services, or buy your products.
Remember you’re unique. So…list all the benefits you can think of. If you’ve developed the fastest this-or-that (feature) get to the core of what you’ll promote (benefits) by asking and answering the question *which means…?* for every feature you spotlight.
Try this. Fill in the following blank with your business, product, or service – “We provide the fastest (or other feature oriented word) ______ which means… (how does providing the *fastest, etc.* lead to a benefit for your client or customer?). Do this for enough listed features and you’ll arrive at your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)…then promote the heck out of it!
And you’ll potentially…
3>Secure *Repeat* status
Not all great movie story-lines have a sequel in them. In fact some excellent box-office films took a nosedive when their sequel was released.
On the other hand, businesses thrive on sequel after sequel. I’m talking about *repeat business or sales*.
Every new or re-purposed product secures its repeat status when its USP is promoted to the hilt. And it’s a process worth repeating – spotlight features…promote benefits (USP)…position yourself for repeat business.
Bottom line: when the credits roll how’s your business story being told?
Does your marketing content pass the 5-second test?
You have 2-5 seconds. That’s all…if you want your marketing promotion to be read!
The first few words of a marketing piece set the stage. Sales letters, email promotions, press releases, website home pages – whatever you use – choose your first words strategically. That is, if you want to keep the reader engaged.
Headlines compel action.
They seize you by the attention-jugular. And the gripping ones won’t let go until you’ve finished reading the copy flowing beneath them – regardless of length.
Study the copywriting that crosses your desk, workspace, or email inbox. What makes it readable, compelling…or toss-able?
Give precise attention to the creation of your headline and the lead copy that follows it. The headline seizes the moment. And the lines of lead copy that follow (typically the first 2 paragraphs) define it.
Riveting, thought-provoking copywriting captures attention. And keeping attention is vital if your marketing communications are to ultimately translate into any measurable amount of cha-$-ching!
Lowlife spammers – I’m averse to say – are masterful at attention-mongering headlines. Check out those that make it past your junk filters. Caught your eye didn’t they? There are reasons why.
Even though you quickly recognize the odor of spam there’s something compelling about the words – right? Despite their evil intentions, there’s a few things to be learned from a spammer’s technique (please don’t confuse my recognition of their technique with acceptance of their modus operandi).
Their magic is typically the subject line. Just as a print headline draws you into the message, the email promotion’s subject compels you to open and read or hit delete.
It makes strategic sense to give attention to the headline and lead in your copywriting that promotes your business, product, or services online or offline.
The following guidelines make a difference in whether your copywriting results in new client or sale…or whether it finds its way to junk-mail central!
1–Create a sense of urgency
Depending on your marketing message’s intent, give readers a reason to desire the benefit(s) sooner rather than later. The element of scarcity can lead to profitable outcomes.
For example…
“It ends tonight at midnight…!”, “Only 4 days remain…!”, etc. implies what? – “you snooze…you lose” – right? Choose words that create a necessary tension and lead to a decision.
2–Communicate usefulness
“How to Get the Heart of 370 Business Magazines in Just 30 Minutes a Month”
Did those words communicate something useful? Check out this headline:
“32 Ways to Save Time and Money from the Pages of Good Housekeeping”
Legendary copywriter, Gene Schwartz knew the power of a compelling headline. He wrote the above two inside of a career that generated over $2 billion in advertising sales.
Effective headlines communicate something of practical value.
3–Claim the unique and specific benefits associated with your product or service.
Use words that enable you to step-away-from-the-crowd. Impress your reader/prospect with your uniqueness. And be as specific as possible. Vagueness creates indifference. Specificity compels.
And remember – a headline should never…
>State something standard, conventional, or…predictable. This stops a reader in their tracks, thinking, “Why read further…I know where this is going…”
>Mislead or trick. If you make a promise you fail to deliver in the remainder of the copy…you’ll lose trust and a potential client or sale.
Make your headlines count just like the seconds it takes to read them!
The Bamboo Principle for Successful Email Marketing
I read an article by Harvey Mackay . He reminded me of the amazing story of the bamboo tree.
When a bamboo seed is planted it must be watered consistently each day. This process continues for four years before any growth is visible above the ground.
But…when growth occurs, the bamboo stalk grows 60 feet…in the next 90 days!
Amazing, huh!
Email marketing is similar in scope to the seeding, watering, and eventual growth of the amazing bamboo plant. In recent posts I’ve shared some vital elements of email promotions and why they work.
Essentially, email promotions are a means to build an ongoing relationship of trust with your client list. The copywriting – from the subject line to the main message – are designed to say, “our company, products, services, etc. can be trusted…check us out.”
With email, trust is developed…over a period of time. One day a click-through to your website or online product sales page will deliver a satisfied buyer!
Build client relationships by planting these bamboo-growth elements in every email promotion:
>Plant the seed — if you don’t plant seeds it’s next to certain you’ll not experience a harvest. Are you “seeding” your list consistently? Compelling, story-based emails are “seeds” with the potential to create growth in sales.
>Water the seed — planting and forgetting is no way to increase a harvest. Daily watering is to the seed what follow-up is to your client and prospect list. Email is an effective follow-up tool. Use email to provide useful content and/or links to it on your website (e.g. a blog, article archives, e-newsletters) as a client/prospect nurturing tool.
>Patiently wait for growth — just because nothing is visible above the surface (e.g. the bamboo plant) doesn’t mean growth isn’t prepared to occur. The key is the process: plant seed…consistently water the seed…growth happens.
It’s easy to follow the latest this-or-that fad for client and customer development. Perhaps staying the course with consistent effort will one day produce explosive growth – the kind that happens because you trusted the seed!
The connections you nurture through email marketing works if you plant it…water it…and let it grow!
What a toddler taught me about marketing
My almost-2-year-old grandson loves books. He walks across the room book in hand, plops down beside me and we read together.
One of the books in his stash of favorites is – “What Do Babies Need?” He’s now several months removed from baby-hood. But he’s still occasionally captivated by the pictures and short answers that tell the story about what little ones need. Stuff like baths, food, and most of all, love.
Experience tells me – when a baby’s in need, run the list of basics – food (check!), clean diaper (check!), pacifier (check!)… Find and meet the need and they’ll be satisfied (until the next “need” arises).
Brings to mind another question…
What do people need? Answer that question for every marketing approach with your dental industry supplies, products and services.
Copywriting must target not only the surface needs of a prospect but also those deeper emotional needs. Anyone can market to the surface stuff – and most do.
Getting to the core of what people need takes extra-mile effort. And the extra effort separates a marketing promotion from all the rest.
Lessons from my grandson for discovering the needs of your market:
1) Be naive. My grandson has innocence therefore he learns. Simple things entertain and educate him.
Approach your target prospects with a healthy niavete’. When you think you know them…truth is – you don’t.
2) Be diligent. My ‘lil guy brings the same book to my lap again and again. To him it’s a fresh read every time.
If you want to know the needs of your market – research, research, research – and then research some more. You probably missed something the first or fifth time around.
3) Be resilient. My g-son’s attention span is a nano-second. Two pages into the book and he’s off to something else. Am I offended at his back-and-forth…up-and-down-ness? Not at all! I roll with the changes.
The needs of the moment for prospects change like a child’s disposition. Remember and respond accordingly (see Lesson 2).
Childlike innocence, diligence, and resilience. It’s what babies…toddlers…and your marketing copy need.