Marketing dental services

What Elmer Wheeler Said That Can Enhance Your Dental Marketing Copy

As I write this post the Fourth of July holiday weekend is approaching. Soon, the familiar and annual sound of fireworks exploding overhead will symbolize how we Americans celebrate our freedom. And of course another sound will arise from BBQ grills across our grand land – the *sizzle* of hot dogs, burgers and steaks (hey…there’s always a reason to grill something during the summer season).

Referencing the word, “sizzle,” reminds me of the classic advertising line from the pioneer of persuasion, Elmer Wheeler. I discovered some marketing principles in an article highlighting his now classic book, Tested Sentences That Sell.

In fact, I’ll use his now infamous marketing phrase to lead off a list of 5 Keys to Enhancing Your Dental Sales and Marketing Copy.

*Don’t sell the steak – sell the sizzle*

First things first. Effective copywriting sells benefits and deeper benefits. Life is too short to waste yours or your prospect’s time talking…talking…talking about the product.

*Don’t write – telegraph!*

In Wheeler’s day, telegraphs were all-the-rage for sending messages. Being charged by the word meant keeping the price down by choosing your words wisely.

Saying, “Don’t write – telegraph,” Wheeler implied, “Make every word count.” He would say, “…your first 10 words are more important than the next 10,000…” and “…you have only 10 short seconds to catch your prospect’s attention.”

*Say it with flowers*

In other words, it’s not enough to make a statement about your dental business, dental products, or dental services to your prospect. You have to prove it! Say, “I love you,” and then prove it…by sending flowers (sincerely and convincingly, of course).

*Don’t ask if – ask which*

Always give your prospect a choice between something and something. Never go with a choice between something and nothing. “Would you like fries with that…?” (Something and nothing). “Large or small fries with that…?” (Something and something).

*Watch your bark!*

Wheeler had a love of dogs. He knew you could tell how a dog feels at a given moment by the way they wag their tails and by the sound of their barks.

Saying, “Watch your bark!” Wheeler’s reminding that it’s not just what you say but…how you say it. When writing promotions keep the copy conversational and engaging.

Elmer Wheeler kept is simple and to the point. He knew what we all must come to understand – there’s freedom in simplicity (or something like that).

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Do You Have a Social Media Chip-on-Your-Shoulder? (3 Keys to Get Rid of It)

Trust and authenticity are the currency of social media. And your Facebook page alongside your Twitter account and blog are the places where you should lavishly spread that currency around.

I emphasized trust and authenticity in a recent post because people are now so oriented to interacting with dental companies, dental practices, and dental supply brands who seem at least somewhat familiar with social media. And once you’ve caught on to the value of social media engagement your perspective and marketing approaches shift.

  • There’s a more frontal…give-it-to-me-straight marketing interaction (in contrast to the old-school, bait and switch).
  • There’s freedom to be yourself without the flash (in contrast to slick, hype-y…expensive marketing – think jeans and maybe a sports coat instead of suit and tie).
  • There’s conversation around products, services, and expertise (in contrast to if-we-build-it-they-will-come).

I think of the days of mom & pop shops. Social media is restoring confidence to business and service providers who have that grass-roots brand of marketing DNA.

Coaching a grass-roots confidence is the responsibility all who are coming into their own with social media marketing.

I once felt like a rookie in the big-leagues when I first opened my Twitter account. I resisted for months as early as 2008.

But I’m there…in fact I have two Twitter accounts. One is personal/general copywriting/marketing consultant related. The other is specific to all that within the dental industry.

I’ve had my social media ups and downs. Some days I feel like a shivering chihuahua alongside the social media big dogs.

And sometimes I write and publish on my blog like I think a big-dog would. In fact, I’m still nursing a fresh wound because I forgot what this whole social media deal looks like to someone who doesn’t engage in it (not because they’re opposed…it just isn’t something they’re into…like many marketers, still).

I’m reminded that when I speak and write about the failures of traditional marketing with my new social-media-is-all-about-trust-and-authenticity-chip-on-my-shoulder, I risk alienating those I’m still invested in.

So…here’s how to boost your social media confidence when wanna-be big-dogs (like me) mess on the lawn (or seem to be growling at those who aren’t so much into social media):

1) It’s about being yourself.

You and your business, product, service have a story to tell. Engage (that’s “talk” in social media) about the problems you’re solving, the solutions you’re delivering, the benefits you’re bringing to the marketplace. No one else can be you better than…well, you!And once you stop being “you” – it really doesn’t matter!

2) It’s about keeping it simple.

Really, what’s the point in being complicated. Life’s complicated enough and so is business.

To-the-point simplicity is a big adjustment for those new to social media. The full-frontalness of the dialogue (on a blog or via Twitter and a Facebook page) can be misunderstood as edgy or in some instances, even trite.

Hey, when Twitter allows you only 140 characters you can’t dilly-dally (a word I’d probably not use in mainstream marketing). That’s a steep learning curve for those accustomed to traditional marketing approaches.

3) It’s about creating conversation.

Once you’re around social media long enough you’ll learn that appetizing conversations begun on your Twitter or Facebook page feed should effectively transition to your website or blog via links (,, etc.).

Think of social media conversations (even those involving your business, products, services) like you would saying to dinner guests following a meal, “Let’s move to the patio…can I get you another drink…” There’s no hype among friends – just swapping stories in good conversation.

…and now where’s the dip for that chip-on-my-shoulder I mentioned?

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