How to Fearlessly Handle Problems Using Your Dental Content

The antidote to a problem is a useful solution. Might seem obvious but how you use dental content to solve problems is a key to earning trust.

You’re kidding yourself if you ignore consumer’s top worries as relates to your products or services. It’s the dilemma every business faces…dental practices and dental industry businesses too.

If anything CAN go wrong…

But why not focus on what’s right?

It’s common that weaknesses are feared more than strengths. Negative is more popular than positive. Wrong is more controversial than right.

For example, it’s why promoting dental implants as a tooth replacement over a partial denture will occasionally prompt a list of negatives.

In this instance, online searches typically lean toward “negative reviews for dental implants.”

The public wants to know what “…can go wrong…” This reality holds given perceived investment value.

This drift to the “negative” can apply to one dental supplier relationship over another, to a particular technology, to traditional braces or Invisalign®. It’s what the public is wired to do.

”Hug” the “elephant-in-the-room”

Problems are a gold-mine of opportunity for creating dental content. The less afraid of them you are, the better your content will be received (and discovered).

Remember, what the dental-seeking-public searches for online relative to your services or products. They often search for “…problems with ?”

Fearlessly standing next to the “elephant-in-the-room” will instill trust in your expertise.

Sure, it’s more popular to highlight the features and be careful not to open pandora’s box of doubt regarding what “can go wrong.”

But when you’re unafraid to boldly list and then answer negative issues…you gain credibility through your dental marketing content.

How a problem-bias leverages your dental content as the solution

Invite problem-solution conversations

Build a natural assumption into your dental marketing narratives. In essence, avoid being “offended” that a patient or client might find something wrong.

Instead, welcome the conversation that their questions and problem-perceptions create. These dialogues can lead to a variety of beneficial outcomes.

  • Problem-based questions lead to solution-based answers. Share content about how your particular product/service solves their issue or alleviates their concern.
  • Problem-based questions put you in expert-mode. Leverage every opportunity to confirm your ability to understand your audience and educate them via your content.

Be aware of how your patients or clients think

Dental marketing can easily numb your audience. The amount of well-intentioned direct mail flyers and online ads becomes “white-noise” especially if it’s perceived you’re not listening.

  • Confirm you’re all-ears by answering their questions and concerns with honesty. Inform more than sell.
  • Compel their trust by being unafraid to talk about your competitors. Be transparent.

Theme your dental content as a go-to solution source

It bears repeating. A problem-solution, ask-and-answer content strategy gives you an advantage.

Today’s consumers are search oriented. They ask Siri, Alexa, and Google what they want to know.

You’ll be among the, “Here’s-what-I’ve-found-on-the-web-about…” answers if your content is themed around answering relevant questions and solving common problems.

  • Listen to your audience’s questions, comments, and reviews. Read between the lines to get to the root of how your product/service can meet their need.
  • Leverage your content into their space. Use a variety of content delivery channels – blog/article page, social media, email.

Content gives you confidence. Use it to highlight the positive and clarify the occasionally negative.

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