One Thing That Will Make Your Dental Marketing Content Different (and Better) Than Most

It happens a lot when consulting with a dental practice or dental business about their webpage copy or other related content. They share a favorite site link or two with me and say, “We want our copy/content and/or website to look and “sound” like this…!”

My review often reveals what’s common with not just dental industry copy, but most:

  • Heavy feature focus (“Latest…greatest…best…”) less emphasis on benefits
  • Full of industry-speak
  • Written to a crowd instead of one person (lack of “you…”)

It takes courage

You must step away from the crowd. Connecting and then compelling your audience requires a new kind of fearless content.

Play it safe.

Sound like everyone else.

And you’ll be another face in the crowd!

Same sounding copy and content produces the same results. It will require more marketing dollars to get attention.

And why?

The online world is somewhat dominated by pay-to-play strategies. Create and fund a strategic enough funnel and you’ll “capture” more leads and potentially more patients and thus increase production.

Sound easy?

It is (in a way) if you have time and cash-flow to invest in it. And we’ve not even talked about the differentiating yourself from the competition and noise they’re creating.

Being different isn’t about being creative

There’s more to standing out from the crowd with your dental marketing than creative, indulgent eye-candy on your website or social media channels.

Being different has more to do with being yourself. Nick Usborne (whose content inspired this post by the way) says,

”You have to find a way to step out from behind the curtain and show yourself. Even when the services you offer are very similar to those of your competition, there is one point of real difference you can turn to.

And that point of difference is YOU.” 1

Filling your copy and content with features and professional sounding language isn’t enough…and frankly, it’s not even close to effective by comparison.

Rising above the dental marketing noise requires being unafraid to let your patients or clients see the real you.

And to see the real you your content has to sound like you!

  • Can they relate to you through your content?
  • Is it apparent that they can trust you through your content?
  • Are they put at ease enough to schedule with you through your content?

And a theme covered a lot on this blog…

If you’re hiding behind someone else’s style, voice, website design, and general content theme you’re missing a most valuable marketing asset – relatability.

Step away from the crowd with more compelling dental marketing copy and content

Write and share content in your own voice

This is the essence of writing like you talk. To do this you must get out of your head.

And to get out of your head requires that you get into the mindset of a patient or client.

  • What do they fear?
  • What’s their desired goal?
  • What’s their motivation?
  • What are their questions?

Your audience searches for you based on your expertise. But they will listen to you and stay with your copy/content when you share your expertise in conversational tone.


Because online communication these days (and I don’t suspect it will change soon) is everyday, somewhat chatty, and certainly brief and to the point.

Jargon alienates. Industry-speak confuses.

So why waste precious dollars and your audience’s time by numbing them with it?

  • Stop writing like a marketer!
  • Stop writing like a dental professional!
  • Stop writing like an educator!


Write like you! Or hire a professional copywriter or content strategist who can tap into your voice and write accordingly.

The results?

Sure, it’s scary and feels like uncharted territory. But you will stand out from everyone else not because it’s easier but because it’s courageous, it works, and it potentially has a better return on your investment.

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