dental content strategy

How In-the-Moment Content Can Increase the Perceived Value of Your Dental Marketing Strategy

It should be as simple as well…answering a question. After all you’re the dental expert.

But the big question is…

Through your dental marketing…are you talking and no one’s listening?

Inquiring minds want to know…when they want to know!

It’s typical to create content that’s on-brand. You know, the “we’re a dental practice so we assume you want to know about flossing…cavities…toothaches…yada yada…”

Fact is, your website visitors want to know that.

But how you frame those questions and create content around them is the key.

For example, consider how you search the internet.

You’re out and about. You want to know where to grab a quick taco that’s not fast food…rather a higher quality…trendy brand of taco.

You reach for your smart phone. Then you type in the search bar or speak into your voice search feature – “Where can I get a good local taco?”

Answers pop up in-the-moment!

You scan the list. The first or second search result delivers…you click the location icon and off you go.

It took a moment and hopefully that moment delivered some taco flavored deliciousness.

They’re asking but are you answering?

Let’s shift to dentistry, shall we (though tacos are tempting)?

Patients have one thing that you’re either capitalizing on or ignoring.


  • “Why do my gums bleed when I brush?”
  • “What does a dental implant cost?”
  • “Is flossing really necessary?”
  • “How does professional teeth whitening compare to DIY whitening?”
  • “Are root canals painful?”
  • “Should I have my teeth extracted and get dentures?”

You could fill pages with patient questions…right?

Here’s another big question?

Are you answering these questions and the countless others your patients or the dental seeking public are asking…in the moment?

There’s that word “moment” again.

Why the in-the-moment content matters now more than ever

Mobile technology has radically transformed how we access information. Lounging on our couch, lying in bed, walking down the street, riding in the backseat of an Uber…you name it…we want and get instant access to information.

Your patients and potential patients are doing the same when a dental issue occurs.

Maybe it starts with a late night toothache, a lost crown during lunch or dinner, following a news story about the latest DIY orthodontic procedure, etc.

They want an answer in the moment!

They probably won’t go to your website.

And if they do…they aren’t interested (in that moment) in flashy, cool-looking graphics, where you went to dental school, how many CE credits you’ve logged, or your latest-state of the art technology.

In the moment…they want an answer to a painful or emotionally charged dental question.

Here’s where your website delivers…or fails them…

  • First, do you have a page that dominates their momentary site visit…as in your blog/article page?
  • Second, and perhaps most essential to this discussion, does it answer relevant questions in a crisp, conversational, and informative way that will compel them to contact you for a solution?

Be present in their moment and they’ll perhaps give you a moment of their time!

How to be in-the-moment so your dental patients will bring their questions and problems to you

Stop talking…start listening

Marketing a service or your latest promotion makes it easy to “talk.” But before you talk it’s more important that you listen.

Communication happens as result of a two-way connection. Listening enables you to position yourself as a connected resource to your patients.

  • Leverage your chair-side conversation themes into a list of topics. That is, decipher what your patients are asking, struggling with, experiencing, etc. While you’re making chart notes click open a document and log those comments and questions while they’re fresh.
  • Listen with content in mind. Consider how you can turn a consistent amount of patient questions into valuable content via your blog, YouTube channel, or other social media platforms.

Position yourself as a “teacher” not merely a dentist

Teachers “boil” complicated, stuffy information down into an easy to understand, practical, and “snack-able” format.

You’ll need to step away from dental-speak. The ego boost isn’t worth the blank stares of your patients who would prefer you deliver the insight in their “language”…in the moment.

  • Create content with a conversational tone. Write like you speak.

”Good writing is good thinking clearly expressed.” – Michael Masterson

  • Find your “voice.” Your patients will trust you as you communicate like you’re talking to a friend not a colleague.

Increase your influence by answering real questions with useful, solution-oriented content.

Seeing yourself as a “teacher” leads to a position of influence. Your content platform keeps your influence “evergreen.”

This type of content isn’t dated, rather it’s useful today…and two or more years from now.

Dental questions can vary patient to patient. But the general theme of their questions, problems, and desired solutions rarely change.

Your content provides ongoing influence via the internet when you’re on-topic and on-task as a dental influencer.

Remember…in the moment content is easy to access, easy to understand, and equally easy to act upon.

  • Create content that’s question-problem-solution focused.
  • Confirm that your content is readable on-the-move. Mobile-friendly is a must. Short, crisp sentences along with scan-able, actionable, benefit-focused sub-headings and bullets increase readability.
  • Compel a response with a clickable-link that redirects them to take action – “Message us here…,” “Schedule a consultation now…,” etc.

Moments come and go. It’s essential that you’re in the gap ready to answer and solve what’s on the minds of the general population and your patients.

You can’t afford (these days) to let the moment pass.

And speaking of…don’t let a moment of “evergreen” content pass. Join our “tribe” and receive useful content like this right in your inbox.

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4 Ways to Create and Share Dental Content That’s Fresh (and Unpredictable)

We purchase our fruits, vegetables, and other healthy-choices from a particular, popular grocer. The same “tastes” apply, in principle, to a best-practice for how you create and share your dental content.

Here’s the point…

“Freshness” is this national grocery chain’s core value. Walk among the produce selections, browse their extensive bulk-foods department, or shop their meat department and you’ll encounter their focus on “fresh.”

My wife and I like that. And the same concept applies to the content your patients and/or clients consume.

Who likes stale, predictability?

There’s a misguided notion (among some) that dental website content, specifically, should be all-inclusive. For example, it’s thinking that your Services pages on your website should thoroughly explain each procedure down to the detail.

Its as if some clinicians and dental professionals fear their intellectual or academic integrity is at risk if a site visitor can’t leave the webpage without CE credits.

Get a whiff of staleness…yet?

Site visitors are looking for something you might not be providing

I must admit that though I write tons of dental content – web copy, blog posts, direct mail copy, email copy, newsletter copy, etc, the general public isn’t feverishly awaiting what you’ll publish next. Frankly, it’s probably not even on their “radar” unless they’re searching for an answer or solution to what your content provides.

That being the case, why would you want to dull-down your content with same-ole-same-ole dental speak?

Face it…dental content might not be the “sexiest” but it CAN be something other than stale and predictable.

Create and share dental content that resonates and doesn’t bore!

People love a good story! And the way an effective story works is by “hooking” the reader in an uncharacteristic or unpredictable way.

Sure, most storylines follow the same general path. It all begins with a premise.

Brian Clark explains:

”The premise is the embodiment of a concept that weaves itself from headline to conclusion, tying everything together into a compelling, cohesive, and persuasive narrative with one simple and inevitable conclusion – your desired action.”

This is what you’re doing along the patient-to-appointment or client-to-buyer journey. Your premise will succeed when you create content for a specific person who brings a particular set of questions, problems, or assumptions to your services.

How to create “fresh” (never stale) dental content

The following four elements are a vital part of your dental content marketing strategy.

1-Take the “road-less-traveled”

Be unpredictable. You’ll gain more lasting, viral attention if you avoid predictability.

Attention gets lost on your reader when they know where you’re going. Keep them curious and your content will be irresistible.

The key to unpredictability?

Know WHO you’re talking to. And be unafraid to talk to them at a more intimate (emotional) level than is typical of marketing conversations.

Your competitors will succeed or fail at this level. Most are looking for the quick-hit, force-them-into-and-out-of-the-funnel approach.

You’ll begin to stand out when you step away from the crowd.

”Taking an approach that differs from the crowd can help you stand out, and that’s why unpredictability is crucial…” 1

Keep it fresh and your perceived value will rise.

2-Champion simplicity

Clarity rules. Your ability to distill complex subjects into readable, compelling content is essential.

This doesn’t mean you “dumb-it-down” (contrary to what some dental professionals feel more conversational copy will do). Remember you’re purpose with dental content is to answer questions, provide solutions, and compel a response…not impress with knowledge.

Relax! Your patients/clients “get” that you’re a skilled, educated professional.

Guide. Deliver substance without complicating it.

3-Keep it real

This is the human-touch your reader experiences with your content. Remember you’re speaking to a person…another human being.

Be yourself!

People are accustomed to the new realities of a social media world. Content that’s crisp and reads like you’re in a conversation is perceived as authentic.

”Your messages must communicate meaningful benefits that are also tangible.” 2

The use and communication of tangible benefits connects with your reader at an emotional level. Emotional connections keep you grounded in reality instead of talking over-the-heads of your patients and clients.

4-Stay credible

Believability is closely associated with credibility. Your content must be believable.

This is where innovative or overly creative content can miss the mark. Proof is required even more when your ideas or offers are innovative.

Avoid hype. Your content loses valuable and necessary credibility when you over-hype your idea.

Again, remember to keep it real. Your authenticity will guide the voice and tone of your content.

Do this and you’ll maintain a consistent level of trust and credibility. That translates to your readers engaging with and sharing your content…plus being more compelled to take action as a result.

A content refresh will help you eliminate predictability. Fresh is the way to go these days. Your audience will “eat-it-up.”

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Is it a Good Idea to Write Your Own Dental Content?

What’s my gut reaction when a client or someone kicking-the-tires of my services leans toward writing their own dental content?

“Slow your roll…!”

I’m all about going-for-it. Yet, can you really afford a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) approach to dental copywriting or dental content creation (considering available time for starters)?

There’s more to copywriting than throwing some words on a page or screen…hitting publish…clicking send…and waiting for your phone to ring or a contact form to be received.

Sure, I’m biased as a trained, experienced, pro copywriter. I apply my skills in the art of copywriting and content creation with a strategic focus in the dental industry.

This is everything when writing dental content

The reader, more than your knowledge or expertise, is the focus! Think through these questions about copy and content writing…and pause before you answer….

Here’s the essence of what I’m talking about…

Would you say it sitting on a barstool?

When writing imagine sitting on a barstool. Picture yourself in a conversation with a friend, colleague, family member, or someone you just met.

Imagine sitting there…it’s casual…you’re comfortable…they’re at ease…you’re having a simple chat!

The conversation can quickly go one of two ways:

One, boredom sets in. They wonder when the conversation will end. They turn the page or they “click” away from your message.


Two, they stay engaged. They sit up and lean forward…”Tell me more…I hear you…I’d like some more information…Let’s talk soon…!”

Copywriting and content creation requires proper voice. Otherwise it’s just words (blah, blah, blah…yada, yada, yada).

Keep it conversational.

Now back to the barstool…

Implement these “Barstool” Copywriting Strategies in Your Dental Copy and Content

Write like you talk

Keep it casual and to the point. If you were sitting on a barstool, enjoying a beverage, how would you describe the service, procedure, treatment, or product?

Conversational copywriting:

  • Dials-down the tech-speak
  • Avoids the use of complicated, industry-insider words and terms
  • Isn’t hype-driven or salesy

Make an impression without trying to impress

Will your reader leave the “conversation” remembering the easy-going, comfortable, engaging way you communicated with them?

Good conversational copywriting promotes a tell-me-more feeling. The impression you make can repel people or bring them back for more.

Let the communication process work for you

Content marketing is about building trust…ahead of the “sale” or “buying decision.” If you rely too much on your ability to “Wow” with hyper or confusing creativity you’ll send a less than engaging message.

Trust translates via your conversational tone.

Dress your language less formal and more casual

Good copy and content are comfortable like your favorite jeans, shorts, and t-shirt. If you feel relaxed you’ll communicate that way and your reader will relax too. (Remember the trust factor?)

And get the image of your English teacher out of your mind. Gotta love ‘em. But now’s not the time to stress over “crossing your t’s…dotting your i’s,” losing your mind over sentence structure, or worrying about being ticketed by the “grammar police.”

Sure, the basic rules of grammar apply. Sloppy isn’t the answer.


Use good judgement. Be easy to read – remember it’s like a good conversation on a barstool.

What’s easy to read is easy to understand. And what’s understood compels a scheduled appointment, a product purchased, or an idea applied.

Communicate effortlessly

Envision effortless like Tiger Woods driving a golf ball or Steph Curry nailing a three-pointer. A professional’s skill appears second nature, fluid, “invisible.”

Make your writing “invisible!”

Be aware of how your words promote your services or products. Write to showcase benefits and results.

Features entice. Benefits sell!

Pause before you go all DIY on your next dental marketing promotion. Evaluate your dental copywriting and dental content using the “barstool test.” Your results could depend on it!

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