dental services promotions
How to Make Your Dental Content “Sticky”
I walked across our kitchen floor a few days ago and experienced that somebody-spilled-something-sticky-feeling on the bottom of my bare feet. Ever done that?
That’s bad-sticky! But when we talk about sticky-content…that’s good-sticky!
Speaking of sticky – do you know the story of the Post-it® Note? You know, those little yellow notes we can’t live without!
The Post-it® Note was invented as a solution without a problem (yes, you read that right). It was created by Dr. Spencer Silver, who happened to develop a unique, re-positionable adhesive. But (at the time) the 3M scientist didn’t know what to do with his discovery. Six years later, one of Dr. Silver’s colleagues, Art Fry, remembered the light adhesive when he was daydreaming about a bookmark that would stay put in his church hymnal. And as they say – the rest is history.
Today, the Post-it® Brand boasts more than 4,000 unique products. It’s become one of the most well-known and beloved brands in the world.
Content Stick-ability!
Most content exists for a simple reason. Consider your products and services. Why do they exist? For what purpose were they created?
Whether it’s offline or online marketing content or social media content that links back to your website, a landing page, or a blog post – your content must be evaluated by a simple analytic!
Max Lincoln Schuster said, “Never forget that people never buy things or services…they buy solutions for their problems.”
Solutions…without problems
Back to the Post-it® Note story. Recall the subtle result of its invention – “The Post-it® Note was invented as a solution without a problem.”
Marketers, copywriters, content creators and curators, bloggers, social media writers and users must remember – not all that’s written or created solves something. And if that’s the case our content becomes just more “word-noise” in an increasingly noisy universe already overloaded with information!
I’m passionate…no, I’m OCD (with respect) about relevance. I have a background in church leadership and hours of writing and public speaking experience in that venue. I was driven then – and still am – (come “hell-or-high-water”) to find and provide practical…actionable principles in what is typically irrelevant to modern life and culture.
When problems and their solutions often elude the masses, why create something that’s irrelevant? It’s like the proverbial carrot-on-a-stick (available but out of reach) to our readers, clients, etc.
How to be a solution-source through creating “sticky” content.
The phrase “you’re talking so much…I can’t hear what you’re saying,” applies. In today’s marketing-numb culture it’s profitable to listen. If you want the most ROI on your social media, online marketing, email promotions – whatever it is – develop a new bias…LISTEN!
Cup-your-ear to not only your customer feedback surveys but also your social channels. TweetDeck, HootSuite, News feeds, etc. can help you keep your-ear-to-the-groundswell of chatter about any industry niche – including your specific dental business niche.
Dental suppliers, dental manufacturers, dental practices, dental continuing education, dental publishers, dental marketers, and dental consultants are talking on social media. They’re promoting and they’re engaging there. Start listening.
Here’s where things can get sticky (in a good way). Content that’s sticky with problem-solving quality is your leverage point. If you’re listening to your industry and what they’re talking about – from patient to promotion – you’ll get a good idea about problems that need solving.
Become a problem-solving rock-star by using case studies, whitepapers and articles. Use some link-leverage by linking (more on that in a moment) back to blog posts via your various social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, etc.).
You have more leverage (and the potential for it) than you think!
Lift happens when you engage your “followers” and “friends” beyond the one-way conversation of content, content, content! And engagement happens when others retweet (RT) or mention your content to their “tribe” of followers and friends.
It’s called “social” media for a reason. Anti-“social” behavior gets sniffed out as fast as spam in your inbox!
Lift your stick-ability by lifting others and their content. Be generous with RT’s (retweets on Twitter), @mentions, #hashtags, #FollowFriday “love,” comments on blog posts and articles, “Likes” on Facebook pages, “Circle-friendly” behavior on Google+, and linking back to others’ (even competitor’s) quality content.
Let these tips “stick” as you’re creating problem-solving…solution-oriented content. Even better write them on a Post-it® Note and stick it…somewhere you’ll notice when creating content.
And if you want some help – contact me to create some stick-ability for you (I promise I won’t leave a sticky mess…like on my kitchen floor…oops, maybe that was my-bad!).
Understand 2 Things as You Jump Into Social Media
“Social Media isn’t inexpensive, it’s different expensive.”
Jay Baer said that. And what he’s talking about is important…no, vital – especially as you’re taking-the-leap into social media!
First, don’t pull-the-plug on social media or start making cuts to your marketing budget so you can plug it into your dental marketing efforts. Baer isn’t talking cash-flow.
He’s focused on something we all have the same amount of but use so ineffectively – time!
Social media takes time.
To establish a reputation on the social web involves daily participation. Content creation, engagement, customer service – however you use social media – it ALL takes time!
Jay Baer explores the time investment more thoroughly here. Let’s take a look at his two insights (options) from the article and apply them to your dental business. Understand these as you launch a social media presence or reengage the one you’ve already begun (but are finding time consuming).
“Social Media Time Management”
Consider all the time-consuming tasks you do everyday. Sending and receiving email, returning phone calls…oh, and interacting with (hopefully) a steady stream of dental business clients or dental patients – depending on your niche. And if you’re planning to get the most mileage out of your social media presence you’ll need to do a serious time inventory.
“You need to do whatever you can to tie behavior and time utilization to business results. Then, you need to jettison what you’re doing that isn’t a clear net positive, and use that new found time vacuum to fit in daily social media participation.”
Get Help
Many of your social media tasks should bear your unique voice. As Baer says, “…it’s difficult to outsource your voice.”
Keep a grip on your social media efforts. But not such a tight hold that you control too much of it and thus lose control of your valuable time.
Use these social-media-time-saving hints:
>Create a content calendar with topics of interest to your dental patients, upcoming promotions, the latest dental industry news of interest, etc.
>Outsource the research and content creation. Think written as well as video and photo content too. Broaden your social media scope to include the various outsourceable help-points you have available to you.
>Keep a greenhouse of content growing. Keep blog post, tweet, and article ideas in the soil. Water them occasionally with new thoughts. When you need content it’s there and ready to go! (Evernote is a superb “greenhouse” for content and idea “growing”. Check it out!)
Social media works! But you must invest valuable time and use the tools available to help you get the most mileage for your dental marketing purposes.
“Nobody said social media was both transformative AND a slam dunk! It’s hard. Really hard. So you either need to make the time internally, get more people involved, or stay on the sidelines.”
Look no further…I’m “people!” Ask me. And subscribe to this blog for more valuable social media tools in future posts.
3 Blog Basics for Dental Industry Businesses & Service Providers
[Portions of this article – written by me – first appeared on the Dentoola Blog-01.11.2011]
Dental industry businesses and service providers that “get” social media will move ahead of the crowd. What’s a good first step?
Choices vary these days from Twitter, to Facebook, to LinkedIn, to Google+, YouTube and more. Try one or even better test-drive all. And while you’re at it remember a foundational essential – the blog!
“…blogging is an essential ingredient to any social media strategy.”
Amy Porterfield blogged that while confessing the common uncertainty of what to write about, when to post, how to grow subscribers, and how to keep them coming back for more. “If you’ve had any of these concerns you’re not alone!”
The dental industry as a whole can benefit from the social media marketing boom. And many are getting ahead as we speak!
Blogging is an essential entry-point strategy to get the wheels moving forward.
Let’s start with some blog basics.
1-Keep it simple
A blog isn’t a novel. There’s no real pressure to create a plot, back-story, or drama. It’s simply a place to engage, inform, and inspire (more on those in a moment).
Blog about your dental industry expertise. But don’t overwhelm your reader/subscriber with industry-speak. Remember the point is to engage (make friends) not impress or worse, alienate.
Start simple with your dental blog. Give readers and subscribers something to use. What do you know about them?
> Make a list of topics. What are your clients or patients concerned about? Read other industry blogs. Get a Twitter account and scan your niche’s trending topics (look for “#” – the hashtag). Then…write simple how-to tips and post on your dental blog!
> Create an editorial calendar and regularly add ideas to it so you’re never without a seed thought or two to develop.
> Contract a blog writer. Many copywriters specialize in online writing. They know how to write compelling blog copy and load it with SEO friendly keywords (tags).
2-Keep it conversational.
Write (blog) like you would talk to a friend over drinks or dinner.
You lose and readers lose when you speak a language they don’t speak. Sure, you know your industry and the terminology like the back-of-your-hand. Just remember to keep it out-of-the-clouds and not so “lofty.”
Use your blog to engage them in not only practical knowledge but give them a place to interact with your expertise via questions and comments. A blog gives them access to your knowledge-base 24/7.
Ongoing conversations about dental trends, orthodontic supplies, CE options, practice management and consulting services, etc. builds trust that you can take to the bank! A blog spotlights your well-earned professional knowledge, skills, and services in a most engaging way.
3-Keep it civil.
Sometimes you’re tempted to use your blog to rant. Should you?
There’s some buzz about social responsibility and online content. Keep in mind that what’s said online…stays online! Take-backs may work in face-to-face conversations or print media. But online…not so much! That should determine if (perhaps the best practice), when, and how you choose to rant via your dental blog content.
Inform. Inspire. Compel…but do so responsibly!
Deliver useful, practical, actionable content on your blog. Readers will come back for more…and tell others to do the same.
Blogging is an A-level strategy for taking the leap into social media marketing. And it flows very effectively into how you can use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.
A 5 Question Filter for Your Dental Marketing Content (Including Social Media)
You receive a marketing piece via mail…and Wow! Or you log onto a website and the embedded flash reminds you of a Vegas show. My first, fleeting thought is – “Someone dropped some cash on that…!”
Hold that thought…because there’s a deeper question that begs answering. And it’s a question that the ever-changing marketing landscape asks with the persistence of a 5 year old on a vacation road-trip – “Are we there yet…Are we there yet…!”
Here’s the question: “Would I do business with them because the promotion was pure eye-candy or because it engaged me?”
Engagement matters! And that’s why social media rocks the establishment today and will continue doing so.
It’s creating entirely fresh ways of measuring whether your dental marketing and dental copywriting is hitting its intended target. And it further challenges you to be all the more intentional with your marketing.
Marketing content that’s attractive and marketing content that attracts are two different things.
These 5 questions from an article on provide an important measure for creating marketing content that attracts (not just attractive content):
1—“Is the content unique?”
Don’t confuse “unique” with out-of-the-box! Be unique by highlighting the deeper benefits of your dental services more than your competitors do. Remember many companies are content to stick with the surface, feature-fluff while ignoring the real solutions their products and services deliver.
Answer the question – what makes us uniquely capable of meeting that client’s need? Steer your content in that direction.
2—“Is the content useful?”
Make your marketing message actionable. When a prospective dental industry client reads one of your Twitter or Facebook feeds are they persuaded to take action? That action could be as simple as clicking a link to a blog post or taking advantage of your clearly stated promotion by surfing over to your website.
Ask them to do something through actionable content. “Useful” content addresses your prospect’s needs…desires…lifestyle. For example, your ad for an orthodontic product or service should tap into their emotions more than it spotlights the latest…greatest technology!
Measure by usefulness!
3—“Is the content well-executed?”
Twitter works as social media platform mainly because of its 140 character limit. It forces tight, sharp, to-the-point content. Say what you will about our culture of social media sound-bytes – it’s actually helping us cut through the clutter and just say it!
What’s the message of the moment for your dental business? Social media helps you say it clearly.
4—“Is the content fun?”
Twitter earned a shout-out in the previous point. Facebook gets its turn in the spotlight now. As a social media platform, a Facebook page helps keep content fun. Photos and comments from a company gathering, an outing, or a client success story keep the fun-factor alive. And don’t forget the “places” feature. It adds value if you’re a location based business such as a dental practice.
The new Facebook video chat feature rolling out as we speak will add another layer of connective-engagement. Go face to face via the Skype-based tool with a potential or current client states or a continent away!
Make sure your content puts a smile on the faces of those you do business with. It’s contagious!
5—“Does the content make good use of the channel in which it appears (e.g., social, mobile, video)?”
Again, this is about “execution.”. It’s vital to fully maximize your marketing “channels.” And knowing which to use is as important as how they’re used.
Begin now to run all your marketing content – especially social media – through this 5-Question Filter.
How to Declare Your Independence & Market Your Services More Profitably
Some post-Independence Day reflection has me thinking about the value of the holiday – given what it represents.
We celebrate with fireworks, grilling some form of meat, sipping a cold beverage, hanging-out with friends and family. And we remember – at the “twilight’s last gleaming”…as a celebratory burst of fireworks explodes overhead – to reflect on what it means to be American.
Sweet freedom!
Think about it – you and I have freedom. The undeniable freedom to live, earn, and prosper in this great country!
Declare Your Independence
In the dental business, as in any business, true freedom is knowing what makes your products/services unique. Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) gives you the confidence to stand independently among your competition.
How uniquely independent is the copywriting that promotes your dental services and products? Have you established your independence in the dental industry marketplace with outstanding copywriting?
3 Steps to Declaring Your Independence from Your Competitors
In the spirit of independence and all things freedom, consider your dental business growth in the first half of this year. It is, after all, July. You’re halfway through the calendar and either celebrating the profits to date or evaluating how you can emerge profitable at the end of the two remaining quarters come December.
Before you think “Jingle Bells” and mistletoe (that’ll be here soon enough) let’s do some mid-year evaluation of your marketing resources in the shadow of the the recent July 4th holiday and the ole’ “red, white, & blue.”
Exercise some freedom of thought by applying the following steps to your marketing content.
Read…Write &…Renew… (think red, white, & blue)
Reading your dental marketing copy with fresh eyes could be the key to increasing your second-half profits. Begin to read your promotions with a more critical eye.
Start right now! Pull up your current promotion. Scroll over to your website. Check out your latest blog post, tweet on Twitter, or Facebook page post.
Does each uniquely declare your dental market independence? Do the words suggest that you’re offering something different than every other solution currently available?
Often a business relies on outdated, over-done, over-written copy and expects it to work its magic on prospects and clients. Is it?
Eye the promotions that arrive in your email in-box and your postal mail. Which ones get your attention? What is it about the content that draws you in, inviting you to read further?
Compare it to your A-Level marketing piece. Differences?
The keywords and concepts you glean from the vast amount of copywriting you receive via postal mail and email might be good-as-gold to your business.
It’s been my practice to read a market proven promotion such as a direct-mail or online sales letter (I’ve got files and book full of them). Typically I’ll read the same one over and over again for a period of days during a given week. Then I’ll hand write a large portion of the copy word for word on a blank sheet of paper.
This discipline – rote as it may seem – ingrains key concepts and copywriting strategies in my mind (like hitting golf balls on the range…taking batting practice…shooting free-throw after free-throw). Perhaps you’re thinking that’s too much work (but remember this is my chosen field).
The principle holds – establish your dental market uniqueness and independence by schooling yourself in what’s working (and not working) in your industry niche. It serves the process to *write* down what you like about the copy, keywords, how they’re used, etc.
Halfway through the year is a great time to renew your dental marketing resources. What profits are you leaving-off-the-table as result of ineffective promotions?
Test a new sales letter, a fresh product case study, an email promotion, your web page copy, etc. against your current ones. You’ll never know if what you’ve been mailing, sending-out, or posting on your website could be improved until you test it. When sales increase (or decrease) you’ll know your renewal efforts and/or costs were or will be worth it.
Apply these simple steps to your business promotions. Declare your independence from your competitors.
That’s the kind of freedom you can take-to-the-bank.
Do You Have a Social Media Chip-on-Your-Shoulder? (3 Keys to Get Rid of It)
Trust and authenticity are the currency of social media. And your Facebook page alongside your Twitter account and blog are the places where you should lavishly spread that currency around.
I emphasized trust and authenticity in a recent post because people are now so oriented to interacting with dental companies, dental practices, and dental supply brands who seem at least somewhat familiar with social media. And once you’ve caught on to the value of social media engagement your perspective and marketing approaches shift.
- There’s a more frontal…give-it-to-me-straight marketing interaction (in contrast to the old-school, bait and switch).
- There’s freedom to be yourself without the flash (in contrast to slick, hype-y…expensive marketing – think jeans and maybe a sports coat instead of suit and tie).
- There’s conversation around products, services, and expertise (in contrast to if-we-build-it-they-will-come).
I think of the days of mom & pop shops. Social media is restoring confidence to business and service providers who have that grass-roots brand of marketing DNA.
Coaching a grass-roots confidence is the responsibility all who are coming into their own with social media marketing.
I once felt like a rookie in the big-leagues when I first opened my Twitter account. I resisted for months as early as 2008.
But I’m there…in fact I have two Twitter accounts. One is personal/general copywriting/marketing consultant related. The other is specific to all that within the dental industry.
I’ve had my social media ups and downs. Some days I feel like a shivering chihuahua alongside the social media big dogs.
And sometimes I write and publish on my blog like I think a big-dog would. In fact, I’m still nursing a fresh wound because I forgot what this whole social media deal looks like to someone who doesn’t engage in it (not because they’re opposed…it just isn’t something they’re into…like many marketers, still).
I’m reminded that when I speak and write about the failures of traditional marketing with my new social-media-is-all-about-trust-and-authenticity-chip-on-my-shoulder, I risk alienating those I’m still invested in.
So…here’s how to boost your social media confidence when wanna-be big-dogs (like me) mess on the lawn (or seem to be growling at those who aren’t so much into social media):
1) It’s about being yourself.
You and your business, product, service have a story to tell. Engage (that’s “talk” in social media) about the problems you’re solving, the solutions you’re delivering, the benefits you’re bringing to the marketplace. No one else can be you better than…well, you!And once you stop being “you” – it really doesn’t matter!
2) It’s about keeping it simple.
Really, what’s the point in being complicated. Life’s complicated enough and so is business.
To-the-point simplicity is a big adjustment for those new to social media. The full-frontalness of the dialogue (on a blog or via Twitter and a Facebook page) can be misunderstood as edgy or in some instances, even trite.
Hey, when Twitter allows you only 140 characters you can’t dilly-dally (a word I’d probably not use in mainstream marketing). That’s a steep learning curve for those accustomed to traditional marketing approaches.
3) It’s about creating conversation.
Once you’re around social media long enough you’ll learn that appetizing conversations begun on your Twitter or Facebook page feed should effectively transition to your website or blog via links (,, etc.).
Think of social media conversations (even those involving your business, products, services) like you would saying to dinner guests following a meal, “Let’s move to the patio…can I get you another drink…” There’s no hype among friends – just swapping stories in good conversation.
…and now where’s the dip for that chip-on-my-shoulder I mentioned?
If You’ve Ever Been Duped with Fine-Print (Or Been the Dup-er)…Read This!
If you’ve ever been teased or pranked – you know the feeling. It’s irritating to be duped. And while duped might be a bit strong, it carries the emotional punch necessary to explain what I’m talking about.
Occasionally I receive a mailer with a headline announcing something like a SPECIAL PRICE…etc.The layout and content do their job, grabbing my attention just as it was designed to do.
My careful (yet not so common for many) eye is drawn to the fine print beneath the SPECIAL PRICE offer indicating the rules-of-engagement, so to speak!
Now first of all, I understand the power of headlines – it’s what I do for crying-out-loud! I’m a copywriter! And next, I’m aware of the significance of a strong, compelling offer.
Beyond that…
Maybe it’s personal. And perhaps I’m being nit-picky. And possibly I’ve missed something as I consistently learn from master copywriters to hone my craft.
But I must ask: is fine-print necessary in marketing content?
Fine-print has been around for decades (if not longer) in marketing. The often comical equivalent in TV and radio ads are those fast talking auto commercials (don’t get me started on their absurdity – that’s another topic).
Seriously, if the voice over person runs out of breath explaining the deal restrictions before his/her 15 to 30 seconds are up…what’s that about?
In reality, effective headlines and related offers draw you in…tease you a bit…and compel you to take action. That’s great (even good) copywriting!
Why use fine-print? As if to say – “Oh, by the way you’ll need to do this and that to qualify for our amazing deal…see, it’s written right here…let me fetch you a magnifying glass or find you a pair of reading glasses…I still hope you’ll take advantage of our special offer cause we’d love to have your business…” Are you serious?!
Consider this if/when you must use fine-print…
Sometimes you’re forced to use fine-print due to space limitations on a postcard mailer, for example. If so, make sure your copywriting states or restates the offer and doesn’t hide the facts from the reader.
Qualify the reader’s relationship to the SPECIAL OFFER right up front in an easy-to-read…can’t-miss headline (that’s where it matters most). Save the fine-print for take-it-or-leave-it clarifying content, directions, weblinks, instructions, etc. that naturally follows the headline/lead copy.
Be careful…don’t undermine your marketing integrity.
If you worked hard enough to come up with an offer that compels a response why not include that in your headline and lead instead of giving buyers the “oh-by-the-way” real-scoop in the fine print?
1) Don’t mislead hoping I’ll misread!
In the dental copywriting world, if you’re promoting an “$89 TEETH WHITENING SPECIAL…” Tell them it’s for NEW PATIENTS in the offer headline.
What do you lose by including that fact there instead of something like the fine-print version that might read…
“For new patients only who have not had more than 15 cups of coffee, wine, or other tooth staining beverages in the last six months while vacationing in resorts south of the Gulf of Mexico including but not limited to the Cayman Islands, Puerto Rico, and Antigua…”
Invest the time to come up with an offer that compels and just tell them what it is. Then they can decide. After all, decision is their prerogative.
Which reminds…
2) Don’t decide for them by luring them in your door or teasing them into a phone call to obtain your offer only to leave them hanging when they find out they don’t qualify (because they didn’t read the “real-deal” in the fine print).
Now they feel stupid…and (if they’re not strong willed) obligated! Sort of helps you understand why many distrust advertising, doesn’t it?
I realize marketers (I am one) assume people are smart enough to read the fine print and to know the set up (which I also realize might weaken my case a bit). But these days marketers should also assume something else…
Today’s consumers/buyers are engaged in social media where trust and authenticity rule!
They’re savvy enough to know when they’re being duped. And they’re equally capable of moving on to sellers/marketers who say it simply…clearly…and compellingly (in a first-glance-readable font) and let them make up their mind then and there!