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3 Ways to Stimulate Response with Your Dental Marketing Copy

I’m a visual person. I tend to think in pictures and images. When I set goals I see the process, the path, the end-result of achieving it. And I move forward in that direction (at least that’s the plan).

Visualization stimulates energy. Imagination taps into emotions. Images ignite thoughts and compel actions toward creating preferable futures – all things considered!

When searching products on-line, for example, I usually click the “see larger image” button on the site. Give me the 360-degree view.

At the movies the preview trailers for upcoming flicks keep me in my seat. I’ll forgo the concession line to make sure I don’t miss one Preview of Coming Attractions. There’s promotional power in watching action-packed, laugh inducing snippets from soon-to-be-released films (occasionally the trailer is better than the movie itself…but that’s another discussion).

Show someone using your dental product or dental service in an embedded site video (e.g. YouTube) and you’ll increase the odds they’ll be hooked. That’s the power of strategically utilized imagery.

Imagination motivates. It prepares you for action. Visualization energizes your receptivity to new ideas and the means to achieve your goals.

What you see is what you get. This says something about your approach to life just as it does the features of your product(s) or service(s).

Let’s talk about that for a moment.

What images…visualizations are you creating for your marketing approaches? Are your clients seeing what you’re promoting before they get it?

Crafting visually stimulating marketing words (copy) for your dental business promotions is essential if you want to captivate the imagination of your target market. Make them see themselves using and benefiting from your product or service.

Here’s how to stimulate your dental industry prospects’ and clients’ responsive imagination.


Frankly, this approach has stroked the artistic in most at one time or another. Effective copywriting involves numbers, i.e. facts, statistics, and relevant data. Provide proof that your business, product, or service delivers by coloring your copy with testimonial and/or expert information.

>Get real<

People (dental industry clients) have real problems. And you are in business to solve your applicable share of those problems. Help them picture the benefits your product or service delivers. Connect it to real life. This means you must know your prospect. Lead them with words to visualize the future – the future only your product/service can enable them to experience. Remember you’re promoting benefits – real…hands-on benefits.

>Show some emotion<

Again, knowing your dental industry prospect involves knowing what reaches, touches, and compels them. My business tagline states, among other things, that I write compelling copy. If writing doesn’t compel…you won’t sell (pardon the rhyme…although it is catchy).

Prospects and repeat clients require you to tap into their emotions. Write in a way that visualizes fear…greed…insecurity…happiness…pride…guilt…confidence…etc (all among common copywriting emotions).

Remember, *people buy for emotional, not rational reasons*.

Visualization stimulates the imagination. Give people an image that compels them to do business with you.

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