dental marketing content value

What “Binge Watching” Can Teach You About Creating Compelling Dental Marketing Copy

Come on, “fess-up.” You know you’ve binged watched your favorite show (more than once) on Netflix or your preferred entertainment content source.

Your “guilty pleasure addiction” actually holds a principle that can transform how you strategize about and create your dental marketing copy. There’s a reason you’re compelled to stay tuned-in on the edge of your seat as the next episode or scene buffers.

My wife and I have a few “guilty pleasures” on Netflix. One is Bloodline. We’re eagerly awaiting the next, and what we’re told is the final, season (bummer).

Until then, this binge culture you and I live in prompted some thoughts about dental marketing copy and content. Fact is, you stay tuned for a reason.

And that reason has much to do with how the content is made available and is delivered.

All at once in real-time

Remember the days when you had three, yes three, choices for TV entertainment.  If’ you’re of a certain age or generation, you might also recall that you were a slave to a specific viewing time and a pre-recorded amount of programming, including commercials – that you HAD to watch.

If you’re under the age of, say, 40, you perhaps have no clue what I’m talking about. Millennials and GenXr’s only know the world of instant access, everything all at once, entertainment content.

It’s mind boggling to scroll the timeline from the late 1970’s to now and realize how significantly content access and delivery has changed. Choice-access is a premium both for WHAT you consume and WHEN you consume it.

Your patients and clients are accustomed to the same. It’s how they live.

Craft a compelling storyline, share it in a compelling format, and allow them to access it in real-time. Think email, SMS (text messaging), blog, Facebook LIVE, Twitter, Periscope, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, etc.

More pressing – are you using these “channels” and if so, how?

Second realization and principle has to do with “intrigue” or “curiosity.”

You know how your heart races and your pulse quickens as the credits roll on the second or third or sixth episode in your Netflix series queue? The countdown to the next episode begins 10 seconds…9 seconds…5…4…3…2…1…!

No pause. You’re on to the next episode…why?

Love for the show? Perhaps more has to do with curiosity…intrigue!

Those who create entertainment content and design it’s delivery sequencing understand what all great copywriters and content creators understand:

Curiosity is powerful. There’s no limit to how effective your copy and content will be if you use curiosity to capture your reader’s attention.

From the headline of your online or direct mail promotion, to the subject line of your email, to the lead of any promotion you create – if it doesn’t appeal to your reader’s curiosity and stir their sense of intrigue – rewrite it until it does!

A third and final principle from the world of favorite show binging…

Tap into your audience’s feeling (fear) that the “end” isn’t really the “end” (for now, at least).

In other words, create repeat buy-in.

It’s a sad day indeed in our household when I receive the Netflix notification that our favorite “guilty pleasure” is wrapping up (as in, no more “seasons”).

But Netflix applies a compelling strategy.

They’re quick to add – “If you liked ?…you might also like ?”

There’s never an “end” to a familiar storyline or content that looks, sounds, and feels like the “binge” I just completed.

Those who receive your dental marketing copy or content will return and even anticipate what’s next if you give them one thing – emotional value.

In essence, know your audience and be prepared to provide more stimulating reasons to find you a source of practical value. But not just any value – the brand of value that connects at an emotional level.

Remember, “People buy for emotional not rational reasons.”

I urge to re-read this post and keep it on hand. There’s much buried between the “plot line” that can help you create more compelling copy and content (or the motivation to seek someone who can).

Speaking of plot lines…it’s about time to see what Netflix has to offer for our next “guilty pleasure.”

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