Dental B2B

“Est” Syndrome & How to Beat It in Your Dental Content

Sometimes I can’t get-over-myself. This occasionally happens when I write proposals to promote my services to a potential client.

My first hurdle with self promotion is taking myself just seriously enough to boldly inform someone that I’m the person to get-it-done for them. Something similar happens with product and service promotions.

The “est” syndrome.

This feature-focused disease includes promotion killing words like bigg-est…fast-est…great-est. The problem with “est” words is their potential to create unhealthy – or unnecessary – comparisons.

There’s a much better focus. I’ll share that in moment.

Think about making an impression on someone. That all important first impression makes it harder to breathe, doesn’t it?

You stress about your appearance – what to wear? You stress over your first words, how firm should your handshake be, etc.

It’s all about the feature presentation. And perhaps that’s the fear source.

When you think features – everything has to fit and flow just short of “perfect,” right?

But like all lasting relationships, you eventually move past the surface appearance and engage with what’s beneath – the real person. That’s where the relationship takes off and has staying-power.

The staying-power of your products and services have more to do with the deeper benefits than surface features.

Write your dental promotional content to the benefit level.

1) Look at the product or service with fresh eyes.

Ask – what problem does this service really solve? Then think solutions.

Perhaps you’ve focused so much creative energy on the presentation (features) that you’re missing your most compelling selling points (benefits).

2) List every possible problem the product/service solves (really, all you can think of).

This list could be creative-gold for your R&D (Research & Development) processes. Whiteboard or mind-map every possible problem and solution your dental product/service engages.

Punch-up your content with these gold nuggets. Benefits connect and compel your prospect’s emotions.

3) Leverage the results of happy users/clients/patients.

When a problem is solved with one of your products/services that’s an emotional deal. No, there may not be laughter and tears (depending on what their issue is) but now you’ve won a customer…perhaps for life!

Why? Because you engaged them at an emotional level – where a dental problem, an issue, etc was causing “pain.”

You delivered a timely and useful solution to their dilemma. And they’ll talk you up because of it.

But…they won’t if you don’t give them a venue. Testimonials, case studies, survey forms are excellent venues for this kind of “love.” Leverage them.

Seeing yourself as the solution (benefits) is much more effective than comparing yourself to everyone else (features).

YOU have a voice that’s uniquely YOU.

Get over yourself. Start using it.

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